B, Fundamental attribution error.
Fundamental attribution error is a psychological situation in which individuals have the tendency to explain a person's behavior based on disposition/personality but not lay emphasis on the external behaviors that affect the person's behavior.
In the above question, because Jack and Margaret couldn't finish Margaret's jobs due to Margarette her clumsiness and went on to blame the supervisor as the cause of the tem not being able to finish the task .
panel interview
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that this is an example of a panel interview. This is a type of interview in which a group of individuals all ask questions to the potential candidate. This group of individuals then analyzes the question and make a group decision as to whether or not they will hire the individual for the job.
A product item is a specific version of a product that can be designated as a distinct offering among an organization's products. A product line is a group of closely related products offered by an organization.
In scrutinizing a statement of cash flows in an attempt to gain a better understanding of the client, the auditor should evaluate to check if the client is meeting interest payments when they are due. The auditor may use information about the client's industry. This is done to evaluate whether significant changes is made in the company from prior periods, including changes in its internal control over financial reporting, affect the risks of material misstatement.
Not having experiences that help them make good choices though out the rest of their lives. Also someone to guide them through times good and bad to help them make the right choices.