Option D. They shock people by providing a terrifying view of war rather than a heroic one.
Both the poems are written by the same person, Denise Levertov, a British poet. She seems to be too concerned about the ravages of war, the destruction and distress it results in.
Both the poems are about the tragedy of war that struck Vietnam. She seems to be much perturbed at the scene witnessed in Vietnam. While the second poem talks about white phosphorus seeking the bones, the first talks about the burning Vietnamese flesh.
The treasure represented who he was and gave his son hope. The items had been collected by Lemon Brown's wife. The treasure was a reminder of hard times.
Rainsford won the wager. He fought Rainsford in the bedroom and Zaroff got fed to his own dogs. I suppose when Rainsford is in a tree and reflects that this is how an animal must feel to be hunted tips us off that he has a new attitude. The story, however, is so bizarre that the theme isn't dealt with in any depth. Perhaps Rainsford might think a little more about hunting defenseless animals in the future but I doubt he would start an animal rights movement.
She guessed from the noise that her brothers were home. not be hard to guess something: From his expression, it wasn't hard to guess what had happened.