Drugs that break down a psychological barrier against doing other drugs are known as gateways drugs.
A very known gateway drug (or at least one that has been considered as such) is marijuana or weed. A drug that is being widely consumed in various countries and is also being sold as a legal drug in some countries.
1. Cardiovascular; "Increase in stroke volume (SV); increase in heart rate (HR); increase in cardiac output (Q); increase in blood pressure (BP); redistribution of blood flow"
2. Energy; "Increase in lactic acid (lactate) production"
1. Muscular; "Muscle hypertrophy; increased strength of tendons; increased strength of ligaments"
2. Skeletal; "Increase in bone density"
1. Increased heart rate
2. Sweating
That would be the pituitary gland
The answer is 2011, Hoping this helps
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