School doing like ewwwwww every day ewwwwww not cool
Do not go to the lib the other person commented
B <em>The three aims of positive psychology that Seligman discusses help to improve people’s overall happiness by focusing on strengths and meaning in life.</em>
In the work carried out by Martin Seligman, his main theme of his psychological orks which he carried out shows that happiness of an individual depends on our focus to meaning in life.
It's Option D. Buck, Pearl S. <em>The Good Earth.</em> John Day, 1932.
Format for MLA citations: Last name, first name. <em>title</em>. publisher, date.
Now, look at your options and see which one follows this format. The only one option that follows MLA here is option D.
Buck, Pearl S. <em>The Good Earth.</em> John Day, 1932.
C.The narration switches to Lou Ann's third-person account for the rest of the book.