True stress can cause one to eat more than usual or may have the opposite effect and cause one to not eat.
Spitting blood or bloodstained sputum from the lungs or bronchial tubes is a symptom of many diseases, more symptoms need to be revealed for a single disease to be identified. However, diseases that have the symptom of spitting blood or bloodstained sputum from the lungs or bronchial tubes are listed below.
Spitting blood with sputum (cough) and coughing means that the bleeding comes from the lungs or airways, which may indicate any of the following diseases:
- Pulmonary infections, such as acute bronchitis or chronic bronchitis;
- Pulmonary Tuberculosis;
- pulmonary infarction (death of part of the lung tissue caused by obstruction of some artery);
- Bronchiectasis (abnormal dilation of the pulmonary bronchi);
- Venocapillary hypertension (increased blood pressure in the pulmonary veins that can cause small vessels to rupture);
- Left ventricular failure of the heart;
- Mitral valve stenosis (narrowing) of the heart.
Spitting blood without a cough may be a sign of a nose or throat injury. For example, if the throat is inflamed or infected, there may be minor bleedings due to minor mucosal lesions, and when the discharge comes out, it is accompanied by blood.
Long-term activation of your body’s stress response system, along with prolonged exposure to cortisol and other stress hormones, puts you at risk for health troubles. These health issues include digestive problems, anxiety, headaches, depression, sleep problems, weight gain, memory and concentration issues, high blood pressure, heart disease and strokes. Being stressed also lowers your threshold for pain, causing more extreme discomfort from the previous affects.
Medicine field is vast. While listening to M.D. Natterson - Horowitz, came in conclusion that humans and animals are very similar, since some <u>treatments or medications are first tested on animals</u>. Also, she mentions that veterinarian knowledge can help to treat some health disorders on humans and vice-versa. As a cardiologist, she has helped several animals with different heart diseases or to evaluate them giving appropriate diagnosis.
Natterson - Horowitz in a speech states an interesting fact and I quote: <em>“... and when we go to medical school, we learn everything there is to know about one species, Homo Sapiens, but veterinarians need to learn about health and disease in mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish and birds”</em>. This means veterinarians have a wider knowledge than physicians, being able to treat many different health problems with different approaches. Because of this, she has a strong interest in “closing the gap” existing between these two medicine fields, and she is doing this through programs like Darwin on Rounds and Zoobiquity Conferences.
Besides these programs, there are other ways to join together these two fields, they could <u>collaborate by exchanging information and experiences</u> of specific health issues, comparing treatments or methods, also hospital’s <u>interns and residents could work for a period of time in a zoo, and veterinarians could assist in hospitals too</u>, like an <u>student's exchange</u>.