I think because since Co-vid-19 is new and nobody knows what the real side effects are, they really can't make any medicine for it. It will take time and if they do make medicine, it will take time to know how It will react and how it will react in the long term.
Pollution adds heat to the air. for example: gas and smoke from cars and trucks etc. climate change will be affected because the heat will cause the weather and atmosphere around to get hotter. clearing pollution will keep the air cleaner.
Macromolecules, hope this helps.
Information and a couple of other people who is interested in taking up and taking a role away the home.
ami koice amar apnara thara dakta the the beautiful studies you speech block ever the thing studies opportunity for the next level ta the first thing that I have to go shafil is the right answer which is why it was worse than usual in order for my sister henna video games and the family is the comparative narrow and the family will not complete this picture I have to call the police and they said they would be found by him.