"Waterfall" is the correct answer for the above question.
- The Waterfall model is a model which is the first model recognized by some scientists is used to states some rules to develop the software. It is based on the phases of the SDLC. The SDLC is the collection of phase that is used in software development.
- The waterfall model moves like water moves. It means any next phase starts if the previous phase is completed and the user can not move into previous steps of the model.
- This is also asked by the question. Hence the answer is the waterfall model.
to get milk
Hay muchas razones, para empezar Windows ha estado desde el año 1995. Tuvo muchas actualizaciones y Microsoft (la compañia que lo creo) los sigue actualizando y agregando nuevas funciones. Ademas de eso, Windows es compatible con casi todos los programas que salen. Esto le ayuda a que el usario pueda usar todos los programas que quiera y aumenta la popularidad del sistema operativo. Microsoft tambien trae pre-instalado Windows en todas sus computadoras personales que vende.
<span> Get assistance from </span>colleagues<span> when </span>your <span>relationship with the employee threatens </span>your objectivity. <span>A performance appraisal </span>meeting<span> should be a two way </span>process<span>.</span>
b) Bounded Waiting
int currentThread = 1;
bool thread1Access = true;
bool thread2Access = true;
thread1 { thread2 {
While (true) {
While (true)
while(thread2Access == true)
while(thread1Access == true)
If (currentThread == 2) {
If (currentThread == 1)
thread1Access = false; thread2Access = false;
While (currentThread == 2);
While (currentThread == 1);
thread1Access = true; thread2Access = true;
} }
/* start of critical section */ /* start of critical section */
currentThread = 2 currentThread = 1
… ...
/* end of critical section */ /* end of critical section */
thread1Access = false; thread2Access = false;
… ...
} }
} }
} }
It can be seen that in all the instances, both threads are programmed to share same resource at the same time, and hence this is the bounded waiting. For Mutual exclusion, two threads cannot share one resource at one time. They must share simultaneously. Also there should be no deadlock. For Progress each thread should have exclusive access to all the resources. Thus its definitely the not the Progress. And hence its Bounded waiting.