I would say C or D
Hope This Helps
H. pylori uses the enzyme urease to breakdown urea into ammonia (NH3) & carbon dioxide (CO2), where NH3 can act as a buffer to the acidic solution in the stomach.
<em>H. pylori</em> is a bacteria that has the enzyme urease to breakdown urea into ammonia (NH3) & carbon dioxide (CO2). The compound of interest here would be ammonia, or NH3. NH3 is a base, although relatively weak to other stronger bases, which means it has a pH above 7. In the stomach, the pH is acidic, or below 7. By synthesizing ammonia, <em>H. pylori </em>is able to buffer the stomach solution in a manner so that it isn't entirely acidic, but more toward the basic side, thereby allowing for its survival.
Beryllium family
English Transcript:
Beryllium is the lightest member of the alkaline earth metals family. These metals make up Group 2 (IIA) of the periodic table. They include beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. Elements in the same column of the periodic table have similar chemical properties.
Spanish (Español) Transcripción:
El berilio es el miembro más ligero de la familia de los metales alcalinotérreos. Estos metales forman el Grupo 2 (IIA) de la tabla periódica. Incluyen berilio, magnesio, calcio, estroncio, bario y radio. Los elementos de la misma columna de la tabla periódica tienen propiedades químicas similares.
tropical, temperate, and polar