See explanation and answer below.
Step-by-step explanation:
The tranformation
For this case we need to construct G' dividing making a division for each vertex v of G into 3 edges that on this case are
We assume that the edges from the begin are the incoming edges of
and all the outgoing edges from v are outgoing edges from
We need to construct
with capacity function a' and we need to satisfy the follwoing:
For every
we create 2 vertices 
Now we can add a new edge asscoiated to
with the condition
Now for each edges
we can create the following edge
and the capacity is given by: 
And for this case we can see this:

Now we assume that x is the flow who belongs to G respect vertex capabilities. We can create a flow function x' who belongs to G' with the following steps:
For every edge
we can assume that 
Then for each vertex
and we can define
And after see that the capacity constraint on this case would be satisfied since for every edge in G' on the form
we have a corresponding edge in G because:
we have that:

And with this we have the maximization problem solved.
We assume that we have K vertices using the max scale algorithm.