C. It can be DNA or RNA
Viruses can be described as non cellular, microscopic, infective agent that are composed of genetic material ( DNA or RNA), which is surrounded by a protenaceous coat known as viral capsid.
It means that there can be RNA ( ribonucleic acid) and DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid) based viruses.
Chromosomes contain nucleus that make up DND, RNA, and protein ( histone)
The stimulus–response model is a characterization of a statistical unit. The model allows the prediction of a quantitative response to a quantitative stimulus, for example one administered by a researcher.☺️☺️☺️
an act of responding. 2 : something constituting a reply or a reaction: such as. a : a verse, phrase, or word sung or said by the people or choir after or in reply to the officiant in a liturgical service.☺️☺️☺️follow me