Getting charged for public intoxication and underage drinking, Parents can get arrested for child endangerment and childern can be place in foster care. Grounded. Liver failure. Alcohol poisoning resulting in death.
I'm pretty sure it's Primary Care, I hope this helps
“ The nose- Warms and moisten air. The nasal cavities are involved in the resonance of tones.
The oral cavity- Includes the lips, teeth, and tongue. The structures serve as articulators.
The pharynx and the oral cavity- Both act as resonators that selectively amplify to varying degrees of intensity, fundamental tones and overtones.
The larynx- An organ consisting of a cartilaginous framework containing muscles and joints. The vibratile part of the larynx are the vocal folds which are the producers of sound.
The Lungs- They supply a stream of air which passes through the trachea.
The vocal folds- They vibrate throwing the stream of air into a series of complex vibrations. (Punt, 1979 and Henderson, 1979).”
Well if you regularly workout a lot from day to day, you are probably fit for your age, depending on what type of lifestyle you live. Some of the following could be, increased muscle capacity, healthier lungs, increased stamina, things in that area.