Genetic drift is the result of offspring having only certain alleles from their parents.
Since the better alleles allow for a higher chance of survival, the other less fortunate offspring usually dies.
Since the bad alleles and genes keep dying, only the good ones begin to thrive and reproduce, leaving less genetic variation among that population of animals.
Genetic Drift is a term used to describe part of the evolutionary process. Genetic Drift is a term describing the random environmental factors such as volcanic eruptions, trees falling down, forest fires etc, that affect the gene frequency in the population of a species after the event has taken place. So, we can say that genetic drift in a population can affect the gene pool by either allowing the gene pool to increase of decrease. A typical example is that of the worldwide rhino population. The more the rhinos are poached, the smaller the genetic pool becomes. Eventually this can lead to the extinction of the species. Hope this helps ;D
I believe America is more accepting of immigrants today rather than in the old days because immigrants back then faced way more prejudice and mistreatment than they do now.