: All group means equal or 

At least one of the treatment group means are different
<u>Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 213.5 3 71.16667 0.65 0.5975 3.490295
Within Groups 1312.5 12 109.375
MSB = SSB / DFB = 71.16667
MSE = SSE / DFE = 109.375
F = MSB / MSE = 0.650667
3) P-value: 0.597576
The test statistic is not significant and failed to reject the null hypothesis.
4) The test statistic is not significant. So, there is no evidence to conclude that there is a difference between groups.
The correct answer is the option A: failure to complete a business plan and failure to get funding.
To begin with, if an entrepreneur failures to complete a business plan and to get funding then the most probable thing to happen is that his business will be untenable from the beginning due to the fact that if the person do not possesses money and a plan to put his ideas in action he will never achieve his primary goals, that is, obtaining profits at long term. Therefore that if there is no business plan in which the company must focus and there is no money to carry out that strategy then the business model is doomed.
Gogle, which was derived from a misspelling of Page's original planned name, (a mathematical term for the number one followed by 100 zeroes).