Mitochondria - The mitochondria is referred to as the power house of the cell. Its main function if to produceenergy for cell by the process of cellular respiration. The energyproduced is ATP. Endoplasmic Reticulum - It is a network for transportation of certain substances in and out of the nucleus.
meiosis is for reproduction and mitosis is for growth and repair
The precambrian era makes up about 90% of the earths history, but there was little to no living organisms at the time other than microscopic ones. The first eukaryotes were found in the cambrian period after the precambrian period, not only that but at the end of the precambrian era in the Proterozoic era there was a mass extinction of about 70-80% of all living organisms
Generation of an action potential in the neuron.
Stimulation of Ca2+ entry into the neuron
Release of acetylcholine into the synapse
Depolarization of the muscle fiber membrane
The following events takes place in the vertebrate neuromuscular junction
a) Nerve Action Potential - Action potential reaches the axon terminal
b) Entry of calcium ion - The calcium ion reaches the axon terminal and enter into the presynaptic terminus after which the Synaptic vesicles fuse with the membrane of axon terminal
c) Releasing of Arch Quanta - Acetylcholine is released into synaptic cleft which then binds to the receptor sites on motor end plate
d) The Na+/K+ channels opens and Motor end plate becomes depolarized.