Area can be described as a measuring unit to measure the space in any flat surface. The square is a flat surface comprising of four equal sides. Area of a square would be the measure of the length of each size.
As per the question, the area of lawn is 196 yards and it is square shaped. This means that the length of each side would be would be 14 yards.
The area will be calculated by taking the square root of one of the equal sides. The square root of 14 is 196. hence, the correct answer is 14 yards.
Una parábolase obtienecuando se corta un cono de tal maneraque el corte sea paralelo auno de sus lados, como lo muestra la grafica de la Fig. No 10. Una vez que se ha observado a la parábola en la naturaleza, pasemos a estudiarla desde el punto de vista geométrico.