They believed they were above all but some disagreed and thought og them rather unreal
The true vision of Karl Marx about communism is something that objectively would never work in practice. The problem is that the human nature and the Marx's vision of communism are not going very well together. According to Marx, all people should be in the same hierarchical level, thus horizontal hierarchy. Everyone should be paid equally, no matter the type of job, and everyone should get the same services. There's no private ownership and the economy is totally controlled by the government in a manner to be self-sustaining. Big problem in these things is that the humans stride toward progress and success, so by putting everyone in the same basket the creative minds and the successful people are destroyed, while the lazy ones, and the ones that do not have great potential get the benefits without deserving them. The economy can simply not function in a manner to be self-sustaining, and it will always be on the verge of collapse, and there will always be huge problems with lack of food and products.
To support revising the Articles of Confederation was that the central government lacks power or lack of centralized government power.
The previous Article of Confederation allowed the states to hold most of the power, and the central government was too weak to even function properly. Due to this there was also huge difference in terms of economics from state to state.
A year after the Oklahoma Land Rush, the director of the U.S. Census Bureau announced that the frontier was closed. The 1890 census had shown that a frontier line, a point beyond which the population density was less than two persons per square mile, no longer existed.