At 24 to 36 months, a child will begin to develop magical thinking and engage in play acting.
5.00 is digram of earth hahahhah
Prejudice is a bias or a preconceived opinion, idea, or belief about something.
When you act based on prejudice, you make up your mind about something.
<h3>Who is a prejudiced person?</h3>
A person who is prejudiced against someone has an unreasonable dislike of them.
A person who is prejudiced in favour of someone has an unreasonable preference for them. Some landlords and landladies can be extremely prejudiced.
<h3>What causes prejudice?</h3>
Prejudice is more likely to develop and persist where: groups have different or conflicting key values •
others are seen as different • people see their identity in terms of belonging to particular groups, and • their groups discriminate against others.
Learn more about prejudice here:
<h3></h3><h3 /><h3>#SPJ4</h3>
You need a variable. If something happens once it could just be chance. Like if you got a lottery ticket and won, it would just be chance. Not the thing that happens the most.
This Question talks about the book titled To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee published in 1960.
In chapter ten of the book, Jem and Scout went exploring with their air-rifles to see if they could find a rabbit or a squirrel. They noticed a dog showing that something is not right. Then reported to Calpernia who feared the dog is suffering the dog from rabies.
The dog represents the "madness", and Atticus will do anything to protect his family.
Atticus kills the mad dog with a shot between the eyes.
It fits with the symbolic nature of the incident by showing that some actions are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.