<span>To ensure that your goals for exercising are achievable and
safe, first go see a doctor to make sure that handle physical exercise. Next step is to define what you want to
achieve by exercising and by doing so, you would know type of exercises you
need. If you are a beginner, train under
a certified instructor to ensure you are doing it right. Exercise at a level
that you can do. Do not over train for
it will do your body more harm than good.
Make sure you eat properly and get enough sleep so that your body can
recuperate from such strenuous activity. </span>
I think you should stop and take a rest or a break. If the side stitch is really painful, then don't start running until it has stopped. Or you can walk it off so it might not get any more painful when you're resting.
Because the US does not have federal or intergovernmental e-waste policies and electronics producers still manufacture products with hazardous materials, e-waste is oftentimes dismantled without strict regulations or compliance so substances like heavy metals, flame retar-dants, and plastics produce public health risks.
Hope this helped!!!!