There are 27, Bacterial:
1. bacterial vaginosis
2. chancroid
3. chlamydia
4. donovanosis
5. gonorrhea
6. lymphogranuloma venereum
7. mycoplasma, genital
8. syphilis
9. treponematosis, endemic
10. lice, pubic
11. scabies
12. candidiasis, vulvovaginal
13. amebiasis
14. cryptosporidium
15. giardiasis
16. trichomoniasis
17. cytomegalovirus
18. Epstein Barr virus
19. hepatitis A
20. hepatitis B
21. hepatitis C
22. hepaptitis D
23. herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2)
24. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
25. human papillomavirus (HPV)
26. human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1)
27. molluscum contagiosum
Answer:parental figures that they look up to and or people they like to lighten mood
1. escape routes from the home
2. a place to meet after the emergency
3. an emergency contact outside the area
Just submitted my answer and these were the correct answers
Where I am right now, spring is past. It's winter time. I'm freezing. lol.