The sleeper effect.
As the exercise presents, Jamie heard about a divorce that was published in the RAG MAG, which she does not believe is very reliable. However, over time, she forgot where she heard about the divorce. The fact that she later came to believe the story was true is known as the sleeper effect. The sleeper effect is, as suggested, a psychological phenomenon that relates to persuasion. It is a delayed increase of the effect of a message that is accompanied by a discounting cue. So, in this case, Jamie heard statement X from place A. After some time, she forgot where she had heard it, but the information (statement X) remained in her mind.
Hat you want to ask, is what level in the food chain has the most energy at their disposal. The answer then would be the group at the bottom of the food pyramid. They would be closest to the original solar energy that was trapped by plants. Thus herbivores.... those that feed on plants... or those plankton feeders that feed on algae, should have collectively the most energy available to them.
<span>As one goes "up" the food chain/pyramid, the initial energy of the sun because of the laws of thermodynamics and the "work" of animals, is transformed into heat which is unavailable for "work". Thus the top carnivores have the least pool of energy available to them and thus their populations tend to be small.</span>
Oceania became a supply source in 1788 for the settlement of Australia. Pigs from Tahiti were landed at Sydney in 1793, and until 1826 the trade remained important, although it was subject to price fluctuations.
To trade with island people.
heheheh i just took that test its a 100% heheheheh
Process of analyzing data