The limbs of the organisms are similar because they are formed in similar ways during embryonic development and share similar arrangements.
Formas: todas las bacterias se pueden clasificar en una de las tres formas básicas: esferas (cocos), bastones (bacilos) y espirales o hélices (espiroquetas). Necesidad de oxígeno: las bacterias también se clasifican en dos grupos, según si necesitan oxígeno para vivir y crecer o no les es necesario.
Alright bud the best answer to this question would be that one of the first scientists of the Renaissance to advance taxonomy through first hand observations was Cordus
Answer for question 1- B (eliminate all plant life)
Answer for question 3- A (Direct energy from the Sun)
(i’m not entirely sure what the answer is to question 2 and i do apologies if any of this incorrect)
Mostly any bug you can think of