A - Anxiety; defense mechanisms.
To prevent anxiety, related to a failure to satisfy oneself, the id and superego, it's common to develop and use defense mechanisms. The American Psychological Association (APA) defines anxiety as "an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure." The defense mechanisms, which may vary from one person to the next, are ways of relieving that anxiety and relaxing the tension, the constant monitoring of one's future and worrying.
John Smith Persuaded Powhatan of his innocence of violence towards the natives after he was ambushed by the Indians and brought forth to their leader,Powhatan. He convinced them that the settlers were peaceful and meant no harm towards his people. Despite the later ongoing events.
Some of the benefits of river Nile is that it has very fertile flood plains resulting from seasonal floods along the banks. But although Nile river has countless benefits or advantages. Such as:
Used for washing cloths
And reeds that grew along the banks called papyrus. They are used for writing thing in the ancient times.
Child labor was big back in the 1890s. Children were deprived of their childhood. Instead of playing and having fun they were put to work. Instead of school they had to provide for their family. Ages 10 and up started to work. Most work places like coal mines were very harmful to the kids. Just from breathing the pollution in to cutting them self on work equipment it was a very dangerous place. In 1938 child labor was officially discontinued.