<span>To give your app users the ability to open your app directly from other apps by clicking a link, you should use: deep link. With the deep link and its URL functionality, existing app users are driven directly inside the mobile app itself.
</span>Deep links are usually made up of two parts: a scheme (part of the link that identifies which app to open).<span>and a </span>host and path (<span>the unique location in the app where your content exists).</span>
The following code is written in Python. It asks the user for an input. Then cleans the input using regex to remove all commas, whitespace, and apostrophes as well as making it all lowercase. Then it reverses the phrase and saves it to a variable called reverse. Finally, it compares the two versions of the phrase, if they are equal it prints out that it is a palindrome, otherwise it prints that it is not a palindrome. The test case output can be seen in the attached picture below.
import re
phrase = input("Enter word or phrase: ")
phrase = re.sub("[,'\s]", '', phrase).lower()
reverse = phrase[::-1]
if phrase == reverse:
print("This word/phrase is a palindrome")
print("This word/phrase is NOT a palindrome")
One of the things that are a challenge, is that you have to get the correct puntuation, correct capitilization, because it's a buisness email. You ont want to mess a buisness email up. You also have to have no repating phrases and sentences. You can't be adding random words and saying "and" all the time.