1. The first was that Caesar delighted in keeping himself up and he excersized standard
2 While diplomat he had Cato captured for voicing his feeling against his hair brained plans.
3 Pompey stayed faithful to Caesars the entire time and I feel like Pompey's marriage to a relative of Caesars made him progressively steadfast.
4 The whole senate despised Caesar since they felt he was going to transform into an awful individual after he got into higher power like most rulers do.
5 Well the reason he denied the crown when they attempted to crown him lord was on the grounds that it was a republic and nobody truly needed a ruler.
6 History depicts Caesar as a giving individual who was turned upon by his schools for a reason that wasn't generally real.
the emotional appeal, means to persuade an audience by appealing to their emotions.
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Your diary entry might include ideas about how your work in the factory is dangerous or how you work for more hours than expected and get paid almost nothing. Also make sure to include how you joined a union and how you had a strike together to protest asking for better working conditions and higher wages.