La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no anexaste alguna referencia o contexto en específico. podemos comentar lo siguiente,
Los supuestos de carácter moral aplicables al campo laboral de los trabajadores es que estos trabajadores deben de mostrar una conducta ética intachable, un comportamiento ejemplar bajo los más altos valores morales como el respeto, la disciplina, la discreción, entre otros tantos.
Los trabajadores deben ser personas dignas de confianza y mostrar su agradecimiento por tener una fuente de empleo estable.
La mejor manera de hacerlo es a través de su comportamiento en el trabajo, las instalaciones de la empresa, y su comportamiento fuera del mismo ya que ellos son unos representantes de la imagen pública de la empresa donde laboran.
Los trabajadores deben ser discretos con lo que escuchan en el lugar de trabajo y no andarlo contando por afuera. Deben ser leales, no robar, no mentir, y guardar confidencialidad de los documentos, herramientas, software, e información que pertenece a la compañía.
1 : control and direction of public business (as of a city or a nation) The mayor makes decisions regarding the government of city departments. 2 : a system of control : an established form of political rule a democratic government. 3 : the people making up a governing body Their governments are committed to peace.
Nationalism was a great cause of World War one because of countries being greedy and not negotiating. Nationalism shows you are proud of your country and want it to be the best. A lot of causes all linked back to countries all wanted to be better than each other. Nationalist groups in Austria-Hungary and Serbia wanted independence. France wanted Alsace Lorraine back from Germany who was lost in 1871 Franco-Prussian war. The use of Nationalism gave nations false hope and aggressive to win the war. Even if they weren’t able to win a war due to their strength and understanding of plans and leaders. This leads to Imperialism. As you can see Nationalism had made a big dent in Countries understanding and strength of war. Also how different countries wanted land to help their plan succeed in winning the war.
Militarism could have cause the war due to the naval and arms race. The main event of Militarism causing World War one was the naval rivalry which was made after 1900. Britain had the most powerful navy in the world. The new Keiser Wilhelm announced his intention to build a bigger German navy than Britain. Britain felt very threatened by this. Germany’s navy was much smaller than Britain’s navy but the British army was put all over its colonies so they can be protected. Germany didn’t have a big Empire like Britain but most people agreed, at the time, they were the best trained and the most powerful. The Kaiser felt he needed a bigger navy than Britain to protect its country.
D. allies with the British.
- Most Native Americans east of the Mississippi River were affected by the war. Most of them did not know how to enter the war.
- 13,000 have become involved in the conflict on the British side.
- The British lacked a regular army after the surrender of General Burgoyne at Saratoga and the severe pain with the recruitment of the Indians.
- The British supported their Native American friends with all kinds of weapons and advised them on military raids against the civilian population especially in New York, Kentucky and Pennsylvania.
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This excerpt reflects that (c.) the document provides protections for English citizens but does not provide equal protections.
Magna Carta was a document issued in the 13th century and it established that everyone, even the monarch, was subject to the law. It was mainly designed to solve the problems that had arisen between the King and the rebel barons.<u> This excerpt shows that, although the document protects the English citizen that commits an offence, it does not offer the same protection that it offers to the man that belongs the highest class</u> <u>since it establishes that, unlike ordinary citizens, earls and barons can only be judged by people that belong to their same social class</u>. The reason why the document offers unequal protection is because <u>Magna Carta had been designed by the barons to ensure that their own rights were protected</u>.