The correct answer is a because an overdraft checking account allows the account holder to continue withdrawing money even when the account has no funds in it or has insufficient funds to cover the amount of the withdrawal. Basically, an overdraft means that the bank allows customers to borrow a set amount of money.
"Bleeding Kansas", this was a fight between North and South over Kansas and Nebraska to be a free or slave state
Barnes attracted attention during the 1829 evangelistic campaign: in a sermon entitled The Way of Salvation, he rejected the doctrine of original sin and stated that human is a morally free person, free to accept or not accept Christian salvation. Developing and implementing the idea of the New School about spiritual revival, an idea that began with the Second Great Awakening, Barnes at the same time convinced the New School presbyterian that personal revival should entail an active public position. Accordingly, he took an active part in a number of movements for reform, in particular, for the Prohibition and the abolition of slavery.
Having thick skin is an advantage to life because, you wouldn't let anyone bring you down and trying to stop you from doing something you want to pursue. Having thick skin allows you not let anything get in your way .
If you wanted to be a doctor and people were telling you that you could never do it and other negative things, having thick skin would not let you be bothered by that.
Well from what iu know about him, he was most famous for painting things about the leaders of the american revolution. and from these choices, the only one that seems to work is C. hope my answer has helped you