Liselle's dad does not like her being at his apartment because of the wy he lives
Active: Unknown factors delayed the 9:15 train from Pittsburgh.
Passive: The 9:15 train from Pittsburg was delayed by unknown factors.
The sentence is already active. The object of the sentence is ‘the train from Pittsburgh’ and the subject is ‘unknown factors’. The subject of the sentence performs an direct action over the object (delayed), so it is an active sentence. When we give more importance to the object of the sentence it becomes passive, as it is stated in the second sentence: The 9:15 train from Pittsburg was delayed by unknown factors.
The host should be told if something is broken
A thank you note is appreciated after the diner
Flowers were sent to the martins from Alice
A formal dress is required
The first toast was offered by the host
The punning words are “opinion Carries a lot of weight” because an opinion can not physically carry weight