What do you mean with “ddt” ?
Skin covers all the body surfaces. The purpose of the skin is protect the body against infection, injury, heat or cold and also to store water and vitamins.
Body surface area is measure of surface area of the human body. It is measured in .
<u>There are many ways to measure the skin surface area of the body but the formula which is widely used is Mosteller formula, which is:</u>
• Offspring are genetically identical to parent-asexual reproduction
Fungi reproduce asexually on different ways such as fragmentation, budding, or producing spores(asexual spores, which are produced by one parentand thus, genetically identical to that parent).
• Offspring genetically distinct-sexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction introduces genetic In fungi, there are two ways(two mating types):both mating types are present in the same mycelium (homothallic) or mycelia require two different mycelia (heterothallic).
These islands are barrier islands.
Barrier islands are islands in front of the mainland that separate part of the sea from the open sea. They lie parallel to the coast and have an elongated, narrow shape. On the sea side, dunes often shape the surface, on the land side they are flat. They were created by deposits of waves, currents and wind. Their formation requires a shallow coastal fore, a sufficiently large sediment store and a weak to moderate tidal range.