Collision or electromagnetic interference (EMI)
Some network cables connected to switch or router ports are prone to internal collision (between two frames or packets) and external collision with electromagnetic waves from other sources (EMI).
Electromagnetic waves are also known as radio waves or signals. When they are transmitted, the network cable acts as a receiver, the received signal interferes with the packet in the cable. This is why the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) throws an error.
The computers that communicate with each other are called

pretty sure energy in motion is only for kinetic energy
enables you to make changes to one part of an image without accidentally changing other parts
Computer aided designs incorporate the use of multiple layers in drawings. The first layer is known as the layer 0, while the present layer the designer is working on is known as the current layer. The advantage of the incorporation of layers in designs include the following
1. It helps objects to be altered, grouped, hidden and moved as the designer wishes.
2. Layers can be grouped and worked on separated and common properties like color and line weight assigned to them.
3. Layers can be manipulated as the user wishes. They can be locked, frozen, turned off, etc. Locking prevents accidental changes being made on objects.