C, D.
C: The flowing lava creates extra rock. For example, entire islands are formed via this process of volcanos erupting, lava cooling, repeat.
D: Silt from erosion (erosion itself is considered destructive, but the resulting silt can turn into something constructive.) can build up entire mounds or mountains over time.
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It kills of the virus while strengthening the immune system
There are concrete evidences of chimpanzees in wild part of Tanzania do intake Vernonia amygdalina, which possess anti-parasitic properties and hence helps in treatment of parasitic infestations.
On critical scientific analysis of vernonia amygdalina, it is observed that vernonia contains various lactones and glucosides steroids which showed anti-parasitic property. But the self medication hypothesis is not at all agreeable. Because chimpanzees don't have such brain to judge which things has medicinal values or from which infections or diseases they are suffering. It is perhaps observed that vernonia taste bitter and often animal take bitter food that triggers in them the feeling of satiety or reverse peristalsis to get rid of excess food by vomiting.
All living organisms share several key characteristics or functions: order, sensitivity or response to the environment, reproduction, growth and development, regulation, homeostasis, and energy processing. When viewed together, these characteristics serve to define life.
hope this helps