This Print Screen key is used to take the screenshots of all that is appearing on the screen, and this can then be pasted in paint and saved in some location of the computer.
The Home key takes the cursor from the current position to the top left, or the start of the file.
Shift: There are two shift keys. And they are used to print the character in the capital. And when the caps lock is busy it can be used to print in lower case. It is also used together with arrow keys to select a part of the text.
Tab: This key moves the cursor from the current location to the location which we know as tab stops ( and the very next one).
Pg Up: The page up is being used for scrolling up, and the distance to which limit the scrolling will take place depends upon the application you are working on.
Please check the answer.
LIke jazz, photography has fallings that are being implied to the pictures such as the jazz music. These felling or as there commonly know as soul can make great music and even HD pictures in photography.
The code to this question can be given as:
tp = ip;
ip = jp;
jp = tp;
In this question, it is defined that write code for swapping values that swap the pointers, not the values they point to. So in this code, we assume that all the variable and its value is defined. we simply use the swapping rule that is the first value holds in the new variable and second value hold on the first variable and in the last second variable holds the value of the new variable. In this code, the value will be interchanged or swapped.
At the point when non-renewable energy sources are singed, they discharge carbon dioxide and other ozone depleting substances, which thusly trap heat in our air, making them the essential supporters of an Earth-wide temperature boost and environmental change. At the point when we consume oil, coal, and gas, we don't simply meet our vitality needs—we drive the current an unnatural weather change emergency also. Non-renewable energy sources produce huge amounts of carbon dioxide when consumed. Carbon discharges trap heat in the air and lead to environmental change.