B) Developer is poured down the drain while fixer can be reduced
The effluents produced during photographic processing includes, wash water, bleach, fixer, and developer
The developer is an alkaline solution, with a pH of approximately 10.0, while the pH of the fixer is about 4.3, it is therefore, acidic
The rate of discharge of the developer to the fixer is 2 to 1, and the exhausted developer, fixer and process effluents combined are neutral and can be handle by the the treatment works and the drain pipes
Fixer which remain clear can be reused for more than a day, while the spent basic Developer and the acidic Spent Stop Bath can be combined to form a neutral solution, having a pH of approximately 7, which make them less hazardous to be disposed off down the sink into the drain
Therefore, <em>developer is poured down the drain while fixer can be reused</em>
ur answer good sir will be : financial analyst
and a brainliest will be good to thnx
C and D have equivalent iterations
C: D:
99 990
90 900
81 810
72 720
63 630
54 540
45 450
36 360
27 270
18 180
9 90
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