The start codon is the first codon of a messenger RNA (mRNA) transcript translated by a ribosome.
Nitrogen base sequence for the start codon is AUG.
the way its set up its kind of confusing
Flowering plants also called Angiosperms are a group of plants characterized by the possession of flowers used for sexual reproduction. The flowers contains the male part and female part. The male part of a flower is collectively called STAMEN while the female part is collectively called PISTIL or STYLE.
The STAMEN is responsible for the production of the male reproductive structure called POLLEN while the PISTIL is responsible for the production of female reproductive structure called OVARY. During reproduction, pollen (containing male gametes, sperm) from the STAMEN are transferred to the stigma (receptive part) of the STYLE in a process called POLLINATION.
He used Selective Breeding
Parents: Yellow (Aarr) and Grey (AaRr)
allele A = yellow
allele R = black,
Heteroozygous = gray
Genotypes of the parents:
yellow (Aarr) - female
gray (AaRr) - gray
cross between these
Parents: Yellow (Aarr) and Grey (AaRr)
Gametes: (Ar, ar) and (AR, Ar, aR, ar)
F1 (Punnet square)
----|----- AR ------|------- Ar ------|------ aR -----|----- ar
Ar | AARr (gray) | AArr (yellow) | AaRr (gray) | Aarr (yellow)
ar | AaRr (gray) | Aarr (yellow) | aaRr (black) | aarr (cream)
Ratio: 3/8 yellow : 3/8 gray : 1/8 cream : 1/8 black