Yes. With the help of every individual organelle in the cell's body, a cell can keep itself alive. For example, they can use cellular respiration to create ATP.
1. Protein synthesis on attached ribosomes:</h2><h2>Destination: cell membrane.
</h2><h2>One general function
: to be a surface receptor.</h2><h2>2. On free ribosomes- destination: cytosol
</h2><h2>One general function: microfilaments.</h2>
Proteins are synthesized by the process known as translation. Translation occurs by ribosomes as they can be attached with endoplasmic reticulum or they can be free in the cytosol.
Protein is synthesized according to the sequence of nucleotide on mRNA.
Newly synthesized protein contain signals sequence which targets then for their final destination.
1. ONE ultimate destination of a protein produced on an attached ribosome: These proteins, after synthesis enter into ER and then according to the signal sequence, they reach to their final destination.
Example: cell membrane.
One general function of the protein
- to be a surface receptor
2. One ultimate destination of a protein produced on a free ribosome: cytosol
One general function of the protein: microfilaments
Answer:The scientific method is practiced within a context of scientific thinking, and scientific (and critical) thinking is based on three things: using empirical evidence (empiricism), practicing logical reasonsing (rationalism), and possessing a skeptical attitude (skepticism) about presumed knowledge that leads to self.