Both Calpurnia and Atticus are people respectful of the other. Calpurnia is angry at Scout because the girl does not treat Walter as an equal and acts in a rude way. Atticus supports Calpurnia's actions because he is also a moral man who tries to teach his children about respect.
It is responsible for enforcing laws.
To promote transcontinental railroads.
The transcontinental railroads were a project made by the United States government and the railroad companies to create one railroad that connected several states to create one large distribution chain,.
The used pamphlets, brochures, and magazines to spread the news about his project.
All of the advertising was made to attract private investors for the project, future consumers, and information about job openings for railroad workers position
Remembering the name of a person's favorite toy from years ago when he or she was a child is an example of Episodic memory. (in installments, in sections or in parts). Episodic refers to containing or consisting of a series of separate parts or events.
Example: An episodic narration.
They had been hunting mammoths. They had followed them from Asia to North America.