The structure of Dimethyl sulfide is H3C-S-CH3. It is produced naturally by some marine algae.
- DMS or dimethyl sulfide is formed by using two methyl groups combined with one sulfur atom. It is an organosulphur compound with a structural formula H3C-S-CH3.
- Most abundant biological sulfur compounds emitted to air and oceans by phytoplankton.
- DMS is produced naturally by the waste of dimethyl sulphoxide which is disposed into the sewer causing environmental odor problems.
- It is a flammable liquid that boils at 37 degrees celsius and a disagreeable smell produced from the cooking of certain vegetables also indicates bacterial contamination in the production of malt and brewing.
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However, it should be noted that addition of soluble salts generally lowers the freezing point of water hence after the addition, water will no longer freeze at 0°C but lower.
Soluble salts tend to form more ions in water, it is these ions that are responsible for interfering with the hydrogen bonds hence lowering the freezing. Thus, (since each bag are of the same weight) <u>the bag that contains the salt that ionizes more in water will lower the freezing point by the greatest amount</u>.
NOTE: Different weight of the salts could lead to more ions been formed in the water by some salts as against the other.
The empirical formula of metal iodide : CoI₃(Cobalt(III) Iodide)
<h3>Further explanation</h3>
13.02 g sample of Cobalt , then mol Co(MW=58.933 g/mol) :

Mass of metal iodide formed : 97.12 g, so mass of Iodine :

Then mol iodine (MW=126.9045 g/mol) :

mol ratio of Cobalt and Iodine in the compound :
THE DEFINITION OF PHYSICAL CHANGE: Physical changes are changes affecting the form of a chemical substance, but not its chemical composition. Physical changes are used to separate mixtures into their component compounds, but can not usually be used to separate compounds into chemical elements or simpler compounds. so the answer is that the form of the sugar is changing in water but if you boiled the water till its all evaporated all that will be left is the sugar