Take the stairs. You've probably heard this one before but taking the stairs is a great way to add movement to your day and increase your heart rate. ...
Take a walk. ...
Wake up and work out. ...
Wear a pedometer. ...
Add movement to housework.
Please mark the crown :)
Kids and teens age 12-18 should limit their intake to 100 mg per day. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children younger than 12 should not consume caffeine at all.
Bacterial; viral
Sexually transmitted diseases can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. Sexually transmitted diseases caused by protozoa can easily be treated. Bacterial STD can be treated with antibiotics during the initial phase of the disease so bacterial STDs are curable.
Viral STDs are not curable but their symptoms can be managed by taking medication. Viral STDs are not curable because they incorporate their DNA into the host genome and can remain in the latent phase in their host cell.
T-Cell is the first line of deffence