He wanted it to return the United States back the way is was before World War 1 and Many Americans disagreed with Woodrow Wilson's policies during World War I and his support for the creation of the League of Nations. Warren Harding's emphasis on the "return to normalcy" during his campaign drew support from people who wanted the U.S. to be more like it had been before World War I. These people favored free enterprise, lower income taxes, high import tariffs, and an isolationist policy regarding international affairs. Harding was able to get many votes from people who blamed Wilson for the U.S. entry into World War I, and Harding won the election.
It would of course cause bus attendance and revenue from bus tickets to drop significantly.
Usually boycotts are initiated in retaliation of something for example the removal of Rosa Parks for taking a white person’s seat. Boycott’s are really effective in sending a certain type of message across, such as wanting equality in bus seating, which later translated into the end of Jim Crow laws altogether. Another example is the Boycott of Goya Food products because the Goya Foods President who is of Latin origin, openly supported President Trump.
much of it surrounds
much of it surrounds the civil rights movement
which help spur the equal rights movement for the women around the equal right amendment which failed to pass but had an effect
this help spur the Chicano rights movement of Cesar Chavez who tried to protect the rights of Mexican migrant farm workers
and that of the native Americans rights movement