The cheetah can run faster than the tiger but not as fast as the jaguar.
Individuals of a species are not identical, Traits are passed from generation to generation, more offspring are born that can survive,and only the surviovrs of the competition for resources will reproduce.
Answer and Explanation:
As I don't have access to live butterflies, the control group would be clay models that do not exhibit warning coloration, e.g. beige / white / brown. In contrast, the experimental group would be the clay models that exhibir a strong warning coloration such as color orange / red.
After preparing the clay 'prey', I would locate them in specific places outside where birds are able to detect them. Moreover, I would use a webcam to monitor the recurrence of birds in the area.
1st experiment: Test whether birds approach the prey that exhibits both warning coloration (experimental group) and dull coloration (control group). Then, record the minutes they spent wandering near the prey.
2nd experiment: Test wheter birds feed on the prey that exhibits both warning coloration (experimental group) and dull coloration (control group). Record time.
Carry out statistical analyses.
Present results and discuss.
C. Is the answer for sure
The answer to this is : B, Their roots.