The part of the ear where sound wave compressions and rarefactions cause the eardrum to vibrate is the middle ear. The 8th nerve in the inner ear actually converts the mechanical energy to electrical energy for transmitting to the brain. A membrane called the tympanic membrane separates the middle ear from the outer ear. Whenever a sound reaches the ear, it creates a sound wave that creates vibration in the eardrum. The pressure when high pushes the membrane inwards while low pressure sound waves helps the eardrum to come outwards. <span>
These sound waves are then transduced when it reaches the cochlea where hair-like structures interprets the sensory information and is relayed to the brain.</span>
Basically in simple terms, a process in which capable animals can adapt and live longer to their environment than to others. Like a light colored mice on dark rock wouldn't survive unlike dark colored mice
If the following graph represents the decay of strontium-90 in an igneous rock, what event occurred at 0 years on the horizontal axis?
<span>I have a graph with the vertical axis showing the percentage of radioactive element remaining. </span>
Answer: -Buy organic and locally grown fruit and vegetables.
- Wash fruits and vegetables before eating.
- Use non-toxic methods for controlling insects in the home and garden.
Explanation: Doing the following will help eliminate toxic pesticides because in season fruits and veggies from your local market is the best assurance of pesticide-free produce.