If you take the photo with one person on the ground that way when they take the photo it will look like the person jumping is jumping higher then they really are.
I hope this helps
Import java.util.Scanner;
class hola
public static void main(String[]args)
Scanner x=new Scanner(System.in);
int a=x.nextInt();
int b;
System.out.print("es par"+b);
System.out.print("es impar"+b);
Okay so what you would is press ctrl+alt+delete and click log out i think but if you have a disk put it in and secure everything trust me i am a computer savage. i hack thing all the time.
2^7= 128
An instruction format characterizes the diverse part of a guidance. The fundamental segments of an instruction are opcode and operands. Here are the various terms identified with guidance design: Instruction set size tells the absolute number of guidelines characterized in the processor. Opcode size is the quantity of bits involved by the opcode which is determined by taking log of guidance set size. Operand size is the quantity of bits involved by the operand. Guidance size is determined as total of bits involved by opcode and operands.