Answer: <em>Functionalist</em>
Functional psychology which is also known as functionalism which tends to refers to general notion of the psychological philosophy under which one considers the behavior and mental life in regards with the active adaptation to an individual's environment. It also provides the general ground for developing theories about psychology which are not yet readily testable through experiments (controlled).
Economic growth can be defined as a society's increased ability to produce goods and services in a specific time period. Because more goods and services are needed, more people need to work in order to meet the demand. Because more money is flowing within the society to purchase these goods and services, it is possible to pay employees a higher wage. Therefore, when economic growth can be sustained, it provides more job opportunities and a higher income. This ultimately lead to a higher standard of living.
Well for one I see a world that has gone to hell
A pure market economy is based on the interaction between the people (who consume the products) and the producers (who create the products). Pure market economy predicts and suspects that the market will regulate itself and that people will have the decisivev say in the prices of things and whether they will be successful.