A lot of people who have committed crimes tend to get lifetime charges even though they could have had personal problems. People in court systems tend to ignore clear signs of mental issues or trauma in a victim of a lifetime system if it means a family can get some sort of relief over the situation. Its rather unfair but what can be changed about it? Even if the victim were to be put into a mental institute it wouldn't do much for them, sadly. In most places such as a mental hospital, the person who was sent after commiting a crime will be put into harsh placements and won't get most of the help they need. And if anything is done for them and they are finally fit for jail it can still effect the victim harshly.
Life, Liberty, and PropertyUNIT 10.2| Enlightenment, Revolution, and Nationalism.
Justice is the need in a society to repay one for a wrong committed against them. It can be the system of punishing one for breaking a law of society, or it can mean that a person got what was coming to them when they committed a wrong
When it comes to international terrorism, there is a lot more that goes into it than crime detection, apprehension, and punishment so this is <u>FALSE</u>.
<h3>What are organized responses to international terrorism?
International terrorism is quite complicated and requires more processes to be resolved than crime detection, apprehension, and punishment.
Sometimes it isn't possible to detect the crimes early enough and even when you do, there are political barriers to apprehension.
In conclusion, this is false.
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