15 divided by 120 is 0.125, and in order to make it a percentage, multiply by 100% or move the decimal two places to the right.
Another way is to think about it and break it down. 60 is 50% of 120, and 15 is 25% of 60. Since 15 is 25% of 60, which in turn in 50% of 120, 15 is 12.5%.
To do this, divide 15 by 120. You get 0.125 Then turn the decimal into a percent. You do this by moving the decimal point to places to the RIGHT. You get 12.5% as your answer.
You can start from any of the options mentioned above however make sure to follow the rule of BODMMAS but you can start from (D) 54÷3 if you just really want a section to start with