A proper noun is a noun that is used for a individual name. such as Alabama, Jessica,"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
napoleon's rule made Europeans love France and ended any desire they had to rule themselves. It deprived them of a unified code of law. it is true
lets see, I left on Friday night—two weeks and three days. ... at large 2 A. I had absolutely nothing to do with the martial law declaration in either ... The first case—that is the Muskogee County case three men came in the ... what he was going to do and the Governor then said he wanted to leave—I ... I protested a little bit.
i hope this helps..this is what he said i think
Overestimate; Base is the correct answer.
The answer is <u>"correlational".</u>
Antioxidants causes aging process slow, the reason behind this is that antioxidants wipe up the reactive free radicals that generally harm our DNA.
Studies or research is correlational when there is a relationship between two variables, and we are not sure that change is one variable is due to the other.