Daphnia is an ideal system for studying multiple stressors because of its short generation time, well-studied ecology and evolutionary history, wide geographical distribution across many limnetic systems, high mutation and recombination rates, high sensitivity to changes in environmental conditions, unique cyclical
They study the human body
The answer that would NOT be correct is the last one , (Ecosystems that have more energy at higher trophic levels than at lower trophic levels. )
Due to inability to survive in aerobic condition.
The strain dies when exposed to a normal laboratory atmosphere instead of nitrogen gas atmosphere because the mutation causes change in the capability of the strain to survive in the aerobic conditions. This mutation inactivate several enzymes which is also responsible for their capabilities of surviving under both anaerobic and aerobic environment so that's why the strain dies when exposed to normal atmosphere..
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugars...Respiration occurs when glucose combines with oxygen to produce useable cellular energy. This energy is used to fuel growth and all of the normal functions.