someone who is brave and willing to spare their life to save someone and a hero usually stops at no rest to save people
The Doolittle Raid, also known as the Tokyo Raid, was an air raid on 18 April 1942 by the United States on the Japanese capital Tokyo and other places on Honshu during World War II. It was the first air operation to strike the Japanese archipelago.
Date: April 18, 1942
Location: Tokyo, Japan
He favored neutrality, refusing to support either side.
William Howard Taft
William Howard Taft was the 27th president of the United States.
His time as president began in 1909 and ended in 1913.
In a democracy, it is essential that elections are regular and fair (option "A" is the correct answer). For electoral and representative systems, a democracy represents the citizens' essential right to choose their leaders in free, fair, and regular elections. The condition of "regular" implies holding elections periodically on a set schedule known to the electorate; while the concept "fair" determines that electoral laws have to offer equal conditions and opportunities for all political parties, candidates and citizens necessary to carry out the suffrage process without any obstacles that prevent the right to vote.