The themes gallery is located on the "design" ribbon tab
The python function is as follows:
def fact(N):
factorial = 1
for i in range(1,N+1):
factorial = factorial * i
This line defines the function
def fact(N):
This line initializes the product of 1 to N to 1
factorial = 1
This line iterates through 1 to N
for i in range(1,N+1):
This line calculates the product of 1 to N i.e. factorial
factorial = factorial * i
This line returns the factorial
We use Boolean Logic operators because it saves more time when searching a topic. This connects pieces of information in a search allowing you to find exactly what you are looking for.
<em>feetFab1 = int(input(""Enter the value in feet for the 1st piece of fabric: ""))</em>
<em>inchFab1 = int(input(""Enter the value in inches for the 1st piece of fabric: ""))</em>
<em />
<em>feetFab2 = int(input(""Enter the value in feet for the 2nd piece of fabric: ""))</em>
<em>inchFab2 = int(input(""Enter the value in inches for the 2nd piece of fabric: ""))</em>
<em />
<em>feetSum = (feetFab1 + feetFab2)</em>
<em>inchSum = (inchFab1 + inchFab2)</em>
<em />
<em>totalFeet = ((inchSum % 12) + feetSum)</em>
<em>totalInch = (feetSum % 12)</em>
<em>print (""Feet: "" + str(totalFeet) + "". Inches: "" + str(totalInch))</em>
Verify data, something like this
var username = document.getElementById("input1").value
var password = document.getElementById("input2").value
// this is the validation:
if ( username == "anime" && password == "Anime132" ){
alert("Correct login data");
} else {
alert("Wrong login data");