I’d say conical shape- coniferous trees are known for this shape.
Superficially, the connection between the cell cycle and cancer is obvious: cell cycle machinery controls cell proliferation, and cancer is a disease of inappropriate cell proliferation. Fundamentally, all cancers permit the existence of too many cells.
In eukaryotes, there are two distinct types of cell division: a vegetative division, whereby each daughter cell is genetically identical to the parent cell (mitosis) and a reproductive cell division, whereby the number of chromosomes in the daughter cells is reduced by half to produce Haploid gametes (meiosis)
Histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 are known as the core histones which means that there are building nuclesome. H1 is known as the linker histone which binds to the "linker DNA" region between nucleosomes, helping stabilize the chromatin fiber. The linker histone H1 binds the nucleosome at the entry and exit sites of the DNA, thus locking the DNA into place and allowing the formation of higher order structure.