This is a simple exercise with rates.
You just have to divide the total profit of the store, that year, per the profit of the particular store.
[3.0479×10⁸ dollars] ÷ [2.102×10⁶ dollars] = 1,45 x 10²
dy/dx at x=6 is 0.334
Step-by-step explanation:
The center difference method requires that the values of the function are given in equal intervals which is the case, and allows one to find the value for x = 6 using those of the function for x = 5.5 and for x = 6.5 as follows:

n < 27
Step-by-step explanation:
let the number be n

First you need to give both fractions a common denominator lets say 40. So N would be 8/40 and Z would be 35/40, so Z collected more than N. All together they collected 43/40 which simplifies to be 1 and 2/40 which would again simplify to 1 and 1/20.